Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (2024)

This Green Hell Starter Guide will tell you how to survive your first days in the jungle, how to get Water and Food, and how to begin exploring the story.

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Green Hellis not asurvival game for the faint of heart. Simply getting clean water will be a challenge and the simplest of injuries can lead to infection and even death unless you treat them properly with medicine. Our Starter Guide will equip you with the tools you need to survive in the jungle -- let's dive in!

Green HellStarter Guide

Before we dive into the Grene Starter Guide, we're going to go over some of the game's basic mechanics.

Note: This Green Hell Starter Guide was created using PC Version V2.4.1 (build 41173). Your experience may be slightly different if you're playing an older or newer version of the game.

How the HUD works in Green Hell

First, let's take a look at theGreen HellHUD.It looks simple, but a lot of important information is featured here.

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  1. Smartwatch - This has several functions.
    • Macroelements (currently shown) - Details your levels of Proteins (top left), Carbohydrates (top right), Fats (bottom left), and Hydration (bottom right). You will die of thirst if your Hydration runs out. You will die of malnourishment if you don't have at least one of the other three Macroelements partially filled.
    • Compass and GPS - Shows your current location with latitude and longitude along with a compass.
    • Clock - Shows the in-game time and date.
  2. Status - This shows your Sanity, Health, Energy, and any active status effects.
    • Sanity - A measure of how sane you are. Eating good Food, staying near a Fire, and sleeping comfortably on a bed are some ways to make Sanity go up. A lack of these essentials or eating strange food makes it go down. Low Sanity causes hallucinations.
    • Health - If this drops to 0, you die. Your maximum Health is determined by how full your four Macroelements are. If you're deficient in a Macroelement, you won't be able to reach full Health.
    • Energy - The bottom bar shows your max Energy and the smaller top bar shows your Stamina. Running, swinging a Tool, or doing other physical activities will temporarily drain your Energy. You can restore Energy by resting or by eating certain Foods. If your Energy drops to 0, you pass out.
  3. Status Effects - Status Effects will normally appear above your Health Bar. These can indicate if you're wounded, sick, or if a limb is bandaged.

The bottom-left corner of your screen -- combined with the Smartwatch -- quite literally has lifesaving information. Keep an eye on it at all times.

If you see a Magnifying Glass pop up, open up the Wheel Menu and inspect your limbs. You either have Leeches (which you can pull off) or a wound. (You can learn more about treating wounds in our Medicine and Healing Guide.)

Another common status effect is "Dirty," which can be removed by washing yourself in water. Eating Food or drinking Water while Dirty runs the risk of a Parasite infection.

How the Backpack Works in Green Hell

Next, let's take a look at the Backpack.Your Backpack is where you'll carry everything you need for day-to-day life in the jungle.

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  1. Weapons and Tools - This is where you'll store any Weapons or Tools you're carrying. You can carry a maximum of four Weapons or Tools at any time, in addition to a Knife in the fifth slot on the right.
  2. Sticks and Rope - You can hold 10 Sticks or Bamboo Sticks on the top, 10 Small Sticks on the bottom, and 10 Rope on the hoops below that.
  3. Materials - This is where you'll store all Crafting materials, most Medicine, and anything else that isn't Food.
  4. Food and Water - This is where you store any Food or Water you're carrying.
  5. Fire - This side of the Backpack can store up to 4 Planks and/or fire-starting devices in any combination. It also has 3 dedicated slots for Fiber below that.
  6. Weight - This shows your current Weight and your maximum Weight. Everything you carry in your Backpack or hands has Weight. If you go over the maximum Weight, you'll be unable to run (and you might not be able to move at all). Keep in mind that carrying Logs or Long Sticks in your hands will also add to your Weight total, so try to keep this below its maximum if you're gathering Wood or other materials that need to be carried by hand.

Your Backpack can (and will) carry everything you need to explore the world of Green Hell and stay alive. Managing it effectively (and offloading any junk you don't need) will make your life much easier.

How the Notebook Works in Green Hell

Finally, let's go over the Notebook.Your Notebook tracks your Objectives, provides Story details, serves as an encyclopedia, and is the main way you Build things in the world.

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  1. Objectives - This is a checklist showing what you have to do to progress in the game and which Objectives you've already completed.
  2. Story - This section shows you notes and drawings detailing your Story progress.
  3. Crafting Recipes - This section details all of the Crafting Recipes you've discovered.
  4. Plants - This section shows all of the plants you've discovered.
  5. Health - This shows you all of the negative status effects you've personally experienced along with known treatments.
  6. Skills - This shows the progress of all of your Skills and what benefits they grant as you level them up. Skills are increased by performing the associated actions; e.g. Cooking Food will increase your Cooking Skill.
  7. Frames and Basic Shelters - This is the section that allows you to Build basic shelters or pieces of modular Buildings.
  8. Walls and Roofs - This section allows you to Build walls and ceilings on modular Buildings, along with doors, ladders, and similar pathways.
  9. Cooking - This section is where you can build Campfires, Dryers, and anything related to Food.
  10. Crafting and Farming - This is where you can Build Planting Boxes for Farming and Crafting devices such as the Mud Charcoal Furnace.
  11. Furniture and Man Traps - This section allows you to Build furniture for your home and anti-personnel Traps.
  12. Animal Traps - This section allows you to Build Traps that are used to catch Animals.
  13. Storage - This section allows you to Build Storage for Crafting materials and various other items.

If you've never played Green Hell before, it's helpful to complete the Tutorial at least once. It will introduce you to the basic mechanics of the game while simultaneously introducing you to the story. If you'd prefer to skip it, you can do that by going to the menu and selecting the option to skip the tutorial.

Your First Day inGreen Hell

Once you actually get into the game, you'll shortly find yourself at the bottom of a hill with a calm pool of water nearby. All of your stats are full, but it's 12:00 PM -- the day is already halfway over. We're going to have to prioritize getting the basics up as fast as possible. Unfortunately, "as fast as possible" will likely be a few in-game days. Let's get started.

First, we'll need some basic tools. Look around on the ground for the following:

  • 8 Stones
  • 4 Sticks
  • 4 Rope

Stones can be found on the ground near rocky formations such as the shoreline where you start or the surrounding cliffs. Take note, you can use the "Harvest" option on a Big Stone to convert it into 3 Stones.

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Ropes can be harvested from hanging plants called "Liana" on the larger trees.

Finally, Sticks can be found on the ground in the jungle. Keep looking around; it shouldn't be too difficult to find 4 Sticks without leaving the starting area. Remember, you need "Sticks," not "Small Sticks" -- these are different objects.

Once you have these items, open the Wheel Menu (C on PC, View Button on Xbox) and select the "Craft" option on the right side of the Wheel Menu. A rock will pop up to the right of your backpack. Place the following items on the rock:

  • 1 Stick
  • 1 Rope
  • 2 Stones

This will give you the option to make an Axe. Additionally, there will be an option below it where you can Craft more than one of the same thing (as long as you have the resources). Craft 4 Axes.

4 Axes may seem excessive, but Green Hell has a "learn by doing" skill system similar to games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Your Axes will break fairly easily when you're just starting out, and they will only gain durability as you increase the Axes skill.

Building a Shelter

Next, go to the clearing on the small cliff above the water. Here's what it looks like when you're standing in front of it:

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This is where we'll build our first home. Clear the brush on the ground by using your Axe to hit it. You will probably use up one Axe just clearing the ground.

Here's what the result of your work will look like:

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Now that we have some space to work with, it's time to work on Building. We're not going to have the time to Build a massive house on Day 1, so we'll only be going for the bare minimum for now.

Open up your Notebook and select "Frame" on the top-right tab. Make sure you have the material set to Wood and not Bamboo.

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The Frame is the foundation of all modular Buildings, and this will be the first step in building our new home.

Next, place the frame towards the cliff's edge, leaving a little bit of space on the side and rear as shown here:

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We're going to need the following to Build this Frame:

  • 4 Logs
  • 4 Long Sticks
  • 4 Ropes

You already know how to get Ropes. You can get Logs and Long Sticks from large Trees.Make sure not to cross over the log bridge to the north -- the area beyond that point can be very dangerous and you are not prepared for it just yet.

Thinner trees will only give you Long Sticks. Larger Trees will give you Logs and Long Sticks. There's no way to tell which is which with certainty other than the general rule of "thicker Trees will give you Logs."

Avoid cutting down Palm Trees if possible -- they can spawn Coconuts which are an excellent source of early-game Food and clean Water.

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This one tree gave me 2 Logs and 1 Long Stick. Chop down as many Trees as you need to get the necessary amount of materials. Drop any excess Logs or Long Sticks nearby; we'll need them for later. (Materials left on the ground will eventually disappear, but it takes several days before that happens, so we won't have to worry about that just yet.

In a short time, we'll have a finished Frame:

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It's small, but it's enough for us to get started.

Our next step will be to put a roof on this frame. Open your Notebook, select the second tab down on the right side, and select "Platform." Change the material to Palm Leaves to Build a Roof instead.

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Palm Leaves are abundant, especially in the starting area. You can get them by smashing the plants to pieces with an Axe.

Here's what they look like:

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It will take a total of 16 Palm Leaves to build a Roof. If you get any extras, toss them on the ground nearby -- we're going to use them soon, too.

Make sure to look around on the ground for "Dry Leaf." You'll need this in order to start a fire.

How to Save Your Game

Once the Roof is finished, you'll be able to save your game by walking toward the interior of this basic structure until you see a pop-up:

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Save your game. Make sure to periodically save your game to ensure that you don't lose any progress because you died -- it's really easy to die in the early game, especially to something stupid.

Next, go through the Notebook and find a Leaf Bed and a Small Fire. Place them under the roof you just finished:

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The Leaf Bed will require 10 Palm Leaves (or 10 Banana Leaves). A Small Fire will require 6 Small Sticks and 8 Sticks. You can find Small Sticks on the ground, or you can Harvest them from Sticks (either on the ground or in your Backpack).

By the time you're done, it will be around 19:00 or 20:00. Our next task will be to Craft a Hand Drill with 1 Small Stick and 1 Stick. Once Crafted, you can find this new Tool on the side of your Backpack. Use it to create an Ember, and then put the Ember in your Small Fire to get some light and heat.

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Staying near the fire will give you a small occasional boost to Sanity. A fire can also be used to Cook Food and sanitize dirty Water. However, fire will also attract hostile Tribesmen, so do not leave a fire running all the time or you'll be under constant attack.

Our next goal will be to set up two more Frames in front of and to the side of what we've completed thus far:

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Chop down some more Trees until around 22:00 or so. You can work on Building these additional Frames if you'd like to, but don't worry too much about completing them tonight. Green Hell is a marathon, not a sprint.

Once it hits around 22:00, go to sleep on your bed. Sleep the full 8 hours until around 6:00.

Day 2

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At 6:00, you'll note that my Protein (red, top left), Carbohydrates (yellow, top right), Fats (green, bottom left), and Hydration (blue, bottom right) have depleted considerably. We'll need to get some Food and Water as soon as possible, while also working to progress with building our base camp.

We're going to be heading out beyond the borders of the starting area. Before we do, bring up your watch and check the location:

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The first number (West) goes higher as you go further west and lower as you go further east. The second number (South) goes higher as you go further south and lower as you go further north. (This will make a little more sense when you get your hands on your first Map.)

Crossing the Bridge

Head directly north and you'll encounter a log bridge. Cross over it, and be careful not to fall off -- you'll get badly hurt if you fall.

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Bear in mind: once you cross this bridge, things will get much more dangerous. You can expect to encounter hostile wildlife, bugs that can cause Rashes, and all sorts of other issues. Take special care to listen for:

  • Rattling of snakes
  • A skittering sound of bugs
  • Growling of a jungle cat
  • The singing of hostile tribesman

If you hear any of these sounds, stop immediately and look around for the threat. Avoid it if possible. You have good reason to be paranoid -- some of these threats can quickly kill you. Worse, whether or not they show up is entirely random. You can absolutely die to a jungle cat on Day 1 due to sheer bad luck.

If you're particularly paranoid about the potential danger, you can Craft some Weak Spears and use them in melee or throw them at threats. Throwing a Spear is much harder (and more dangerous) than shooting a Bow, but Crafting a Bow is not practical just yet. This, too, comes down to luck -- you'll need Feathers to make Arrows, and you can only find Feathers in three ways:

  • Finding a dead bird on the jungle floor
  • Finding Feathers in a Bird Nest
  • Killing a hostile Tribesman and looting the Feathers from his body

Since finding Feathers comes down to chance, you can increase your chances of success by being able to thoroughly explore a wide area. That means you'll want to have a safe shelter to save your game, a stable supply of food and water, and a map to help you navigate. We only have the shelter right now.

Basically, you're going to have to take a bit of a risk to get the things you need outside of the starting area. That's why it's best to carefully avoid fights and collect the resources you need for now. (Thanks to Lizzard Gaming on Twitter for the suggestions!)

As you're walking ahead, look around for any Bananas, Coconuts, Mushrooms, Nuts, or other fruit. Grab whatever you can. As a general rule, fruit is safe to eat and mushrooms are a little more iffy.

Continue walking north until you encounter this rock:

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Then, continue moving forward on the left side of this rock.

Walk slowly here -- as you go forward, you'll see a small, brown mound in the ground.

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This is an Anthill. If you walk over it, you'll get a Rash and lose Sanity. You should stay at least 3 meters (~10 feet) away -- walk around it.

Continue heading roughly north. Cross the river and keep movinguntil you hit this clearing:

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Take note of the animals here -- this will be a good spot to go hunting later.

The Abandoned Tribal Village

If you keep heading north, you'll run into a cliff wall. Turn northeast and you'll eventually come across an abandoned Tribal Village at 46W, 26S.

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This village has a fair few useful things to discover:

  1. Go to the campfire and open the backpack. You'll find the Map for the immediate area and some Burned Pages. You'll also get the Blueprint for the Stone Ring.
  2. To the right is a Dryer which is used for drying Meat -- walk near it and you'll get this Blueprint.
  3. Further ahead is a ruined hut with a hammock. A Bone Knife is on the ground -- pick it up and place it on the "Knife" slot on the Tool section of your Backpack, all the way to the right.
  4. Behind the Tribal Village is a group of Banana Trees. Be careful as small venomous creatures can spawn here. You'll see a small wooden cage; this is the Cage Trap, and you can get the Blueprint for it by walking near it.

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Collect some (but not all) Bananas -- having a total of 6 or so should be good. Do not harvest all of the Bananas -- they will spoil before you can use them all. (Fruits and mushrooms generally do not begin to spoil until you collect them.) Open up your Backpack and use the "Harvest" option on three of the Bananas to get seeds.

Once you've secured your Bananas and gotten all of the Blueprints, you're going to have the explore the nearby area in search of Coconuts. Unfortunately, there is no guaranteed spawn here -- there is only the chance that a Palm Tree will spawn Coconuts. You can most easily spot a Coconut by looking on the ground -- if you find one, you'll almost certainly see more Coconuts in the tree above.

How to Get Coconuts inGreen Hell

Search the area around the Tribal Village for Coconuts. If you can't find one, start heading back to your base camp and look around that area. When you find one, this is what you'll see:

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Note that there is one Coconut on the ground and two in the Palm Tree above.

First, walk up to the Coconut on the ground and whack it with your Axe. This will break the outer shell and allow you to pick it up and put it in your Backpack.

Now, for the Coconuts in the tree. You'll have to knock them out of the Palm Tree by throwing something at them. You can either use the Throw Stone function (G on PC, Y on Xbox) or you can throw whatever equipped Tool you have with the Throw function (Middle-click on PC, Push down on Right Stick on Xbox). You'll be able to recover whatever you throw as long as you can still find it; still, I would recommend throwing a Stone rather than one of your Tools.

Hopefully, you can get at least 3 Coconuts. While you're on the far side of the log bridge, make sure to get as much Rope as you can carry by harvesting Liana.

Remember, Coconuts spawn randomly in Palm Trees. You should always keep your eyes open for Coconuts, especially in the early game -- they're a source of Fats and Water, and the Coconut Shells are useful Tools in their own right.

You'll also want to keep an eye out for Molineria, the plant that is used to make Bandages:

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Grab some if you find it and craft Leaf Bandages. Try to keep 2 or 3 Leaf Bandages on hand at all times.

Back to Base Camp

If you're fortunate, you'll be able to get some Bananas, at least 3 Coconuts, and 10 Rope in just a few in-game hours. You should be able to get back to your base camp by 12:00 PM or earlier.

First, drink the Water in all of your Coconuts via your Backpack. This will bring your Hydration meter back up a little bit. Next, we're going to Craft a Coconut Bidon with 1 Coconut and 1 Rope:

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We'll be using this shortly; for now, let it sit in your Backpack.

If you're dirty -- look for the splatter symbol above your health bar -- go down to the water and wash yourself. Once you're clean, eat some fruit to bring your Carbohydrates back up to a reasonable level. (Eating Food while dirty carries a risk of catching parasites, so always make sure you're clean before eating or drinking!)

Next, we're going to build a Stone Ring in the "front" of our house:

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Build this Stone Ring and the Frame surrounding it. Put a Roof over the Stone Ring, too, so that it has overhead cover.

The Stone Ring will require 4 Big Stones (which you can only carry one at a time) and 8 Small Stones. Look around the cliffs on the safe side of the log bridge before you venture out further to find them.

Prioritize getting 4 Big Stones first. After that, you can safely Harvest any remaining Big Stones for the rest of the Stones you need.

When you're done, you'll have a nice area to build a fire that won't go out with the rain:

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Next, build a Small Fire and place it inside the Stone Ring. Don't light it just yet, though. Pick up the Charcoal and Campfire Ash from the previous night's Small Fire.

Cooking Coconuts

Open up your Backpack and select "Harvest" on at least 2 of your remaining Coconuts. This will give you 4 Coconut Shells with Flesh. Harvest all 4 of these Coconut Shells with Flesh and you'll get 4 pieces of Coconut Flesh and 4 Coconut Bowls; the Coconut Bowls will be moved from the Food section of your Backpack into the Crafting Materials part of your Backpack.

Head down to the water. Wash up, and then drag your Coconut Bidon into the water to fill it up with Water (Unsafe). Do not drink this Water.

Light the Campfire you've just built using the Hand Drill. You'll need at least 50% of your Energy Bar to successfully spark an Ember; if your Energy is too low, Sleep for a few hours to bring it back up above 50%.

Place the four Coconut Bowls around the Campfire. Then, drag your Coconut Bidon onto each Coconut Bowl to fill it up.

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While these are Cooking, head back down to the water and refill your Coconut Bidon with Water (Unsafe).

Return to the Campfire and the Water should be safe to drink. Drink the water directly from each of the four Coconut Bowls. Then, dump the Water (Unsafe) from your Coconut Bidon into each of the Coconut Bowls again and let it Cook. When it's done, drag your Coconut Bidon onto each bowl -- you'll then have a Coconut Bidon filled up with Water (Clean) and you can drink it later as needed.

This little setup gives you a reliable way to make Water (Clean). You can now get safe Water whenever you need it as long as you can start a Fire. In the future, you can have multiple Coconut Bidons to store a supply of clean Water for longer periods of time.

Pick up the Coconut Bowls and drop them on the ground outside of the coverage of your roofs. If it rains, the Coconut Bowls will collect the rainwater and you can safely drink it.

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Next, place the four pieces of Coconut Flesh onto the Campfire to cook them.

While these are Cooking, take the time to chop down some more Trees nearby -- again, take care to avoid chopping down Palm Trees if possible. We're going to need a couple of dozen of Logs to get our base camp properly set up in the coming days.

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Eat however many pieces of Coconut Flesh (Cooked) that you'll need in order to bring your Fats back up to (or close to) full.

As a reminder of the outset of this guide, you can survive as long as you keep up your Hydration and one other Macroelement (Protein, Carbohydrates, and Fats) well-supplied. Your maximum Energy won't be very good, but you can get by with just Carbohydrates and Water.

Spend the time until 23:00 or so chopping down Trees to get more Logs. Then, go to sleep and wake up at around 06:00 again.

When you wake up, drink Water from your Coconut Bidon. Then, fill the Coconut Bidon with Water (Unsafe) from the shore and drag the Coconut Bidon onto your Campfire to put it out. Letting it burn runs the risk of attracting hostile Tribesmen and it wastes Wood, too.

Day 3 - Setting Up a Farm

We're now on Day 3. We have a very basic shelter and renewable clean Water. Now we're going to secure some renewable Food. We're going to do this with the Large Planting Box:

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The Large Planting Box is used to grow larger plants such as Trees. Specifically, we're going to be placing 3 of these by the water so we can plant 3 Banana Trees.

Here's where you should place the Large Planting Boxes:

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Gather the Sticks and Logs in the area. If your Axe breaks, Craft a new one. You should always have at least two Axes on hand.

While you're gathering Wood, you're also going to want to make a Stone Spear. Here's how to do it:

  1. Collect 2 Stone and 1 Rope. Chop down a Tree and find a Long Stick.
  2. Put 2 Stone on the Crafting Stone to make a Stone Blade.
  3. Interact with the Long Stick and select "Craft."
  4. Place the Stone Blade and Rope onto the Crafting Stone along with the Long Stick to make a Stone Spear.

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As time goes on, you'll be at further risk of getting attacked by Tribesmen or wild animals. This Spear will give you a fighting chance, though it is far from the best Tool for the job.

Once the three Large Planting Boxes are finished, drag a Banana Seed into each of them:

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Now that the Banana Seeds are planted, you'll need to increase their Hydration to 100%. Take your empty Coconut Bidon, fill it up with Water (Unsafe) in the pool nearby, and then drag it onto the Large Planting Box. If it's raining, it will slowly increase the Hydration.

When you're done, you should see Hydration at 100% and Fertilizer at 0%.

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"Fertilizer" speeds up the growth of Plants. You can increase it by putting in spoiled Food or Animal Droppings. For now, simply having some Banana Trees growing will have to do.

It will take quite some time for these Banana Trees to grow. Fortunately, Banana Trees are abundant in this area (including behind the abandoned Tribal Village).

Between the Banana Trees you've just planted and the wild ones in the area, you should have a steady source of Carbohydrates. You also already have a steady source of clean Water. For the rest of this guide, I won't prompt you to drink Water or eat Food -- do it as needed. (Just make sure to wash yourself before eating or drinking so you don't get sick!)

I'm also going to stop prompting you based on time. With less available Food, you're going to run out of Energy sooner and you'll need to sleep at irregular times. Sleep when you're tired, eat when you're hungry, and drink when you're thirsty.

Finishing Your Hut

Our next immediate goal is to finish the third Frame on our base and Build a fourth Frame, then put Roofs over all four sections:

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This will ultimately give us a moderately-sized house that will last us for quite some time.

Next, it's time to plan out some Walls:

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The section with the Campfire will remain outside and act as a sort of entryway. Make sure to leave some room between the door and the Campfire -- if you walk into the fire, you'll get an injury!

The remainder of the interior space will be used for storage and our bed. It will take you 1 to 3 days to finish this section, depending on your needs and how lucky you are with finding materials.

Remember to save periodically -- you don't want to die and lose a bunch of progress!

Making Mud

Once this is done, our next step is to swing down to the water, interact with it, and select "Take Mud." This will unlock the ability to make a Mud Mixer.

Drop the mud back into the water, then build the Mud Mixer nearby:

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Making Mud Bricks requires Campfire Ash, Water, and River Mud. They are used to make a handful of useful objects; primarily, you'll be using them to make Mud Buildings.

Make a single batch of Mud Bricks for now, using the Campfire Ash that you got from your first Campfire.

Heading Out to Hunt

I'm sure you're anxious about getting to explore the world, but we still need to do a little more preparation first. With just a few more in-game days (and a little luck), you'll be able to tackle almost anything the game can throw at you.

We'll start the next stage of our journey with some hunting. Drop any Axes you have on the ground by your camp; they won't despawn for some time. Craft three Weak Spears by Crafting a Long Stick (and nothing else). This is what your loadout will be:

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While we're exploring, we're also going to be on the lookout for dead Birds (mainly Parrots and Toucans) and another 3 Coconuts, if possible.

They will give us Feathers (which can be used for Arrows) and a small bit of Meat. Here's what a dead Parrot looks like:

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Head towards the abandoned Tribal Village. Our main target will be either Capybara or Peccary, both of which are abundant in the area.

Do not rush toward the animal. Crouch down and walk slowly until it's facing you. Then, take the Weak Spear and aim just above its head -- you'll want to go for a headshot in order to kill it with a single stroke. If you're successful, you'll get some useful items, mainly Raw Meat and Bones.

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Our final objective for this excursion will be to upgrade our fire-making capabilities with a Hand Drill. To get this, we'll need a Plank; you can get Planks by using your Axe on a felled Log.

Cooking Meat

Once you have a Plank, combine it on the Crafting Stone with a Small Stick and you'll get a Hand Drill:

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Make sure you're rested and pay attention to the spoilage timer on the Raw Meat -- typically, it will go bad roughly 18 hours after you pick it up. Don't sleep so long that you let it go to waste!

Cook half of the Meat you have and any Parrot or Macaw Meat that you have. Don't forget to add more Sticks or Small Sticks to your Campfire to bring it back up to full strength!

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While these are Cooking, we're going to do the same thing with the three Coconuts as we did before -- make 1 Coconut Bidon and Harvest the other 2 Coconuts to get 4 pieces of Coconut Flesh and 4 Coconut Bowls.

Place the Coconut Bowls on the ground (to collect Rainwater later) and cook the Coconut Flesh while you have a Fire going.

As your Food is Cooking, we're also going to do a bit of Building. This time, we're making a Dryer. Place it in your house:

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A Dryer needs 7 Long Stick, 11 Small Stick, 11 Rope, and 3 Bone Hook. You already know how to get the Sticks.

To get the Bone Hook, you'll need to Harvest a Bone in your Backpack to create 2 Bone Needles. Do this twice to get 4 Bone Needles. Then, Craft 1 Bone Needle to make a Bone Hook; make a total of 3 Bone Hooks and hold onto the extra Bone Needle for now.

Build the Dryer. Don't forget about your Food on the Campfire -- it can burn, and you'll lose a lot of the benefits you'd otherwise get.

And here's what a finished Dryer looks like:

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The Dryer lets you dry Raw Meat and certain other Plants (such as the brown Mushroom with the white frills) to make them last longer and safe to eat. Drying Racks must be kept under a roof; they won't actually dry anything if they're getting rained on.

A piece of Dried Meat will last a little less than five days, giving you an opportunity to store Food for nearly twice as long. The Protein, Fats, and Sanity benefits are not as good as Cooked Meat, but it's certainly better than nothing if you've had no luck with hunting.

You should always try to keep some Meat on hand, ideally from Capybaras or Pecarries as those two animals will give you both Protein and Fats.

How to Craft a Bow

As soon as you're finished with all of this and you have some Feathers, it's time to Craft your first Bow.

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You are going to be wildly inaccurate with your new Bow -- you'll have to level up your Archery Skill, and you can only do that by shooting living creatures. Take every opportunity to shoot something, even if it's a harmless animal like a Frog or an Armadillo. You'll appreciate the extra fighting ability when you get attacked by tribesmen.

You'll also need some Arrows. One Arrow is Crafted with a Small Stick and two Feathers; as a general rule, every dead Parrot or Toucan gives you six Feathers. That means that finding one bird will give you three Arrows.

Arrows can be recovered after you fire them, whether they hit the ground or impact an animal. Make sure to get a kill shot and conserve your Arrows as much as you can, especially when you only have a few.

Why are Arrows so important? Simply put, they're the most lethal Tool that you can use from a safe distance. A single headshot will kill tribesmen, hostile jungle cats, and more. (The tougher creatures like the Caiman Alligator will take two shots, but they move slowly.)

Another Hunting Trip

Free up some space in your inventory. You should only carry a single full Coconut Bidon, a little Food (if you have any), a Stone Spear, an Axe, your Bow, and a few Arrows. Chuck everything else on the ground in a place you'll be able to find it later.

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Now, we're going to go hunting again. Our goals this time are to get Meat and at least 12 Bones. If you have to make more than one trip, make more than one trip. Naturally, you should grab anything else useful you find like dead birds (more Arrows!), Coconuts (more Water storage and generation!), and the like.

You may be overburdened by the time you get 12 Bones. You can choose to temporarily drop your tools (and come back to get them later), or you can just slowly walk back.

When you're back at your camp, fill up the Dryer with as much Raw Meat as you can put onto it.

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (50)

You'll know that the Meat is done drying once the circle goes away. You can then pick it up and store it in your Backpack.

How to Craft Armor

Now it's time to put those Bones to good use! Grab 12 Bones and 8 Rope, then find a Banana Leaf plant. Chop it down, and craft four pieces of Bone Armor using 3 Bone, 2 Rope, and 1 Banana Leaf.

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (51)

You won't have enough space in your Backpack for the Bone Armor, so it will fall on the ground when you Craft the first one or two pieces.

When they're all done, go into Inspect mode to look at a limb and open your Backpack. Drag the Bone Armor from the Backpack onto your limb and you'll equip the Bone Armor onto that limb. Repeat the process for both arms and both legs.

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (52)

Bone Armor is not the strongest Armor in the game, but it's the toughest Armor that you can reliably get in the starting area of the game without progressing into smelting Metal -- and smelting takes a lot of time.

Armor works exactly like you'd expect it to: it reduces incoming damage. Equally important is the fact that it can reduce (or prevent) rashes from ants and other deleterious effects if you're lucky.

Your Bone Armor will eventually break after taking a few hits. Make sure to replace it as soon as you can!

Charcoal and Storage

We're almost done with this Green Hell Starter Guide -- there are just a few more things to do. First, we're going to build a couple of Storage Boxes in our hut:

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These can be used to store pretty much anything that fits in your Backpack except for Rope, Sticks, Wood, and Planks. Those go into their own dedicated storage devices which you can find elsewhere in your Notebook.

Next, we're going to place a Mud Charcoal Furnace out front:

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The Mud Charcoal Furnace allows you to place Wood inside and convert it into a lot of Charcoal and a little Campfire Ash. (Charcoal can be converted into Campfire Ash by Harvesting it, so this gives you a very efficient way of producing a lot of Campfire Ash quickly.

Aside from its uses for Healing, Campfire Ash is a critical component for making Mud. If you decide to expand your base camp, this Mud Charcoal Furnace will make it much easier. It's certainly better than burning a bunch of Campfires at the same time.

Expanding the Farm

Finally, we're going to expand our farming operation down by the water:

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (55)

Add three Large Planting Boxes and five Small Planting Boxes to the area by the shore. These will be used for the following:

  • 2 Unknown Nut plant (Raffia Nut) plants in Large Planting Boxes
  • 1 green Unknown Fruit plant (Soursop Plant)in Large Planting Box
  • 2 Molineria plants in Small Planting Boxes
  • 2 Unknown Herb plants (Plantain Lily) in Small Planting Boxes
  • 1 Tobacco plant in Small Planting Box

Here's why we're planting these specific items. The Unknown Nut/Raffia Nut is a good renewable source of Fats, and that will help keep your overall Health and Energy levels up if you're having trouble hunting.

The green Unknown Fruit/Soursop Plant gives you Carbohydrates and Hydration. More importantly, it's a good source for killing Parasites.

As you know from the tutorial, the Molineria plant is used to make bandages.

The Unknown Herb/Plantain Lily can be used to treat Rashes. Moreover, you can eat the Plantain Lily leaf to heal 2 steps of a Venom Wound.

Finally, the Tobacco plant can be used to for bandages on Venom wounds.

Yes, you can find these plants in the wild if you need them, but you have no idea how injured you may or may not be if this happens. It's better to have these items on hand if you need them rather than having to run out and hunt for them. Between all of these items (plus Charcoals and Bone Needles), you can cure any serious ailment you might get in the jungle.

Here are the plants you'll need to find to complete your farm:

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I accomplished everything up to this point in our Green Hell Starter Guide in around 10 days. You should be able to do it in 10-15 days, depending on your luck and your level of experience with games like these.

Going on a Trip

Now that we've got all of our basic needs taken care of, it's time to return to the abandoned Tribal Village at 46W, 26S.

Make sure to take your Stone Spear, Axe, Bow, Arrows, Hand Drill, 6 Small Sticks, and 8 Sticks with you. We're going to need to start a Small Fire and set up a tiny base camp here.

When you get to the abandoned Tribal Village, you're going to Build a Small Shelter. Optionally, you can build a Campfire nearby under one of the existing roofs if you feel like putting in the extra effort.

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While you can always sleep in the nearby Hammock, you won't be able to save your game without having something like a Small Shelter. This allows us to use the abandoned Tribal Village as a save point and somewhere to rest, if need be.

Next, head North beyond the Banana Trees:

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (58)

This will turn into a path that curves to the left. Follow the path for a short distance.

Eventually, you'll reach a small cliff wall -- this is the way into the next zone of the map. Unfortunately, the way is blocked:

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (59)

In order to open this, we're going to need to go back to the village and drink some Ayahuasca.

First, find the Ritual Bowl near the village. Behind is a large tree.

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Grab one of the Banisteriopsis Vines from the tree.

Next, go back to the Ritual Bowl. Nearby, you'll find a plant with red berries:

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (61)

Whack the plant with a Tool until it breaks. This will give you Psychotria.

Now that you have the ingredients, it's time to Build a Small Fire under the Ritual Bowl:

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Light the fire using your Hand Drill.

Once the fire is lit, you'll be able to add in the ingredients for Ayahuasca. (Fortunately, you don't need to worry about having any Water.) As soon as you add the ingredients, it will start a cutscene and then a small dreamlike sequence where you follow a child running through the jungle.

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (63)

Generally speaking, it's not a good idea to take highly psychoactive substances in a dangerous jungle unsupervised, but our protagonist Jake likes to live dangerously, I guess.

Throughout the dream sequence, you'll have to move along the path ahead of you and touch Mia in three separate scenes. You'll then wake up back at the abandoned Tribal Village with Mia talking to you through the Radio. Progress through the dialogue.

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (64)

Mia will talk to you for the first time since the Prologue. She doesn't know why you got separated. Unfortunately, the battery dies before you can finish up your conversation.

Completing the first Ayahuasca Trip will unlock a lot of new dialogue options with Mia via the Radio depending on what you've done in the game thus far. Furthermore, it will also open up that sealed path somehow:

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (65)

This pathway will lead you to the next section of the map, with both new adventures and new challenges. You'll open up later sections of the map in a similar fashion -- find the Ritual Bowl, find the ingredients, drink Ayahuasca, and have a weird psychoactive trip.

While you may be tempted to run around the jungle some more, a peek at the Map will show a mysterious point marked as Lambda-2. This is your next major objective, so make sure to read our guide on how to find a Grappling Hook and get to the next major point in the story.

This is the end of our Green Hell Starter Guide, but it's just the beginning of your adventure. You can choose to go back to your base camp and expand your base or you can explore the new world you've just unlocked. You have a whole jungle to play in now -- whatever you decide, it's going to be a ton of fun!

Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (66)

Green HellF.A.Q.

What is Green Hell?

Green Hell is an open-world, first-person survival crafting game where you have to escape from the jungle and save the life of your wife Mia.

Is Green Hell Multiplayer?

Yes, Green Hell supports multiplayer for up to 4 players total.

Where is the Green Hell Save File?

The Green Hell save file is located in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[STEAMID3]\815370\remote

Where "STEAMID3" is your SteamID3 number.

Thanks for reading ourGreen HellStarter Guide. Make sure to check out our other guides below!

MoreGreen HellGuides

  • Starter Guide
  • Medicine and Healing Guide
  • How to Get Clean Water
  • Where to Find the Grappling Hook
Green Hell Starter Guide | TechRaptor (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.