Chapter Text
(A/N: Disclaimer: It's finally here! The first Pokemon Contest for Serena! I've been waiting for this moment! Sorry if I haven't been updating this story, kind of been working on another series with my older brother, and we published the first book, which you should read before we published the sidestory. Anyways, thanks for understanding and hope you enjoy the chapter and this story! Please comment and vote. And reminder, all images are from Bulbapedia and all music is from YouTube and their respective owners.)
Previously on No Need To Be Corphish!, Light and Serena were near the end of Route 5 when one of Korrina's Lucarios ran towards them, interested in their auras. Soon, Tierno challenged Light to a battle after Light and Serena found out their PR Videos are among the top 5 popular. Despite the effort, Light lost due to the coin toss. Soon, Serena, Tierno, and Shauna registered themselves for the Contest circuit, and their first Contest in Camphrier Town!
Who will win the Contest? Who will win the Camphrier Ribbon? And where will the next Pokemon Contest take place at? Find out in this chapter!
Serena's P.O.V., July 1st, 2019, Camphrier Town Pokemon Center, Camphrier Town, Southwestern Central Kalos, Kalos Region-12:00 P.M.
Serena was finishing up with her preparations for the Contest, adjusting her Seals and Pokeball Capsules, and getting her hair back in its ponytail. "Today's the day I enter the Pokemon Contest. I'm gonna win that Ribbon." Serena told herself to reassure herself and her nerves.
Serena had a nearly sleep-less night. It was only thanks to Light convincing her after a hour that she finally got some sleep. Now she know how her parents felt when they were competing back then. Serena was really lucky to have Light as both a friend and a traveling companion.
"Serena, we better hurry up before the Contest starts and you get disqualified for not being there!" Light called out from outside the door. "Okay. Almost got everything ready!" Serena said as she looked at the mirror one last time, to make sure she was ready for the day. "Yep. I'm ready." Serena said with a sigh as she walked out of the room.
Soon, Serena and Light were eating lunch, though Serena ate little. "Serena, you need to eat a bit more to get more energy. After all, a Contest isn't a cakewalk." Light said in concern for his friend. "I know. I guess I'm just nervous." Serena said.
"I know that feeling. It happens everytime we take a test. Though I guess it's now everytime we do a Gym Battle or a battle with our friends and possibly more rivals." Light said, with the last part having a uncomfortable tone with it, since he's still not used to battling, especially after knowing the side effects of Battle Bond.
"Thanks for the comfort, Light. But we know that Contests are different." Serena said. "Yeah, but I know you. You can do it." Light said with a smirk. "Thanks, but I have to also compete against Shauna and Tierno, who been practicing this back when we were in school." Serena said in doubt.
"Well, you won't know till you try. And you did train last night, showing dedication for this." Light said, causing Serena to smile a bit. "Touche." She said as she ate some more food so she have some more energy for the day.
Camphrier Contest Hall-12:57 P.M.
Light and Serena walked in the lobby of the Contest Hall, where the other 28 Coordinators trying to finish up with getting signed up for the Contest, on top of the 28 Coordinators for the Basic Skill division that would compete first. Serena knew that Tierno and Shauna were already in the back room.
"I'll see you soon when you're on stage. If you're nervous, just look for me in the crowd and pretend that it's a practice run." Light said as he walked towards the door that was marked for the audience, where Trevor was already at.
"Okay. See you soon Light." Serena said back before walking to the back room, where she saw a blue hair female was already in her Contest outfit, which looks like a Altaria. The female was at the locker that had the number '1' on it, which means she would go up first.
(The image above is Serena's Contest outfit. Just ignore the background and Fennekin or don't, your choice.)
Once entering the room, she saw the locker with her number on it, number '16', where she could put her stuff in. She did so and put on her Contest outfit that Light bought for her on her birthday before closing the locker. "That's look perfect on you, Serena!" Shauna called out from behind along with a hug attack.
"Thanks Shauna." Serena said as she returned the hug. "Hey, if it isn't my favorite female friends!" Tierno said, walking up to them. "Tierno, we're your only female friends!" Shauna reminded him with a chuckle.
"I know, I know. How are you, Serena? Heard you have nerves." Tierno said. "I'm good. Just kind of nervous about this, just all." Serena responded. "Don't worry about it! Just do it the way you and your Pokemon imagine it and have fun!" Shauna said with a smile that was contagious that Serena even crack a smile. "Okay, I'll have fun while doing this." Serena said.
"Now that's the best way to do Contests. You have fun and so will your Pokemon and the audience!" Shauna said with a another hug for Serena. While that was happening, the other 29 Coordinators were now arriving to the back room to get ready.
Light's P.O.V., Camphrier Contest Hall Audience Seating-1:10 P.M.
Light sat down next to Trevor, in the seat the latter was saving for him. "Thanks Trev." Light said. "You're welcome, Light. How's Serena though?" Trevor asked. "She's kind of a nervous wreck about this. Nothing that Shauna can't fix." Light said with a chuckle from Trevor. "Yeah, she can make anyone smile." Trevor said as the lights began to dim and the announcer came onto the stage.
Light and Serena's P.O.V., Camphrier Town Pokemon Contest
"Hi, my name is Monsieur Pierre. I'll be your host for all Pokemon Contest, unless I have other duties to do. Anyways, before we get the Pokemon Contests underway, here how all Pokemon Contests will play out. The Basic Skill Division will go first, with the Advanced Skill Division going next after a half-hour break. The winner of each division will receive the Camphrier Ribbon, as well as the location for the next Contest.
"For the Coordinators to earn the Ribbon, though, they must make it past the Appeal Round, and only the best 16 Coordinators and their Pokemon will move on to the Talent Round and half of that will move on to the Battle Round. And here's our panel of judges." Pierre said, indicating with his arm to the panel behind him.
"Here we have Mr. Raoul Contesta on the left, the Head of the Contest Committee!" Pierre said, pointing to the man in the red suit. "Great to be here." Contesta said. "Right back at you! The judge on the right is Rachel Sycamore, the wife to Prof. Sycamore!" Pierre continued with his introductions, pointing at a woman that has black hair in a ponytail, was wearing a white jacket and glasses.
(A/N: Rachel's skin is white, not the color as the image below. This is the only picture I could find that is accurate to what I am trying to describe her as. Thank you for understanding.)
"Thanks for having me here." Rachel said with a blush. "And finally, Palermo Yashio, who is in the middle and who taught Aria Elle, our current Top Coordinator!" Pierre finished his introductions, while Palermo gave a simple wave as the crowd cheered louder due to her reputation.
"As everyone knows, the winner of each skill division will win the Camphrier Ribbon!" Pierre reminded the crowd, holding up the two ribbons. One of the ribbons was smaller than the other, meaning it would be for the winner of the Basic Division while the big ribbon was for the winner of the Advanced Division. Both ribbons were blue and white, with a castle in the middle of the design.
"Now, without further ado, s'il vous plaît enjoy the Coordinators' performance." Pierre said before the Contest began. Starting with the Basic Skill Division.
2 and a half hours later
"Congratulations to Paulette and her Axew for winning the Camphrier Ribbon!" Pierre said as he gave the ribbon to said Coordinator from the Basic Skill Division, who put the Ribbon in her Ribbon Case.
"And now it's time to start the Advanced Skill Division, with Lisia Mikuri from Sootopolis City of the Hoenn Region! Remember, each Coordinator have five minutes with their appeals, or until they decide to end their appeals!" Pierre said as Lisia appeared on stage while he exited the stage with a bow.
"Wait, Wallace's niece?!" Trevor asked in shock. "That's Wallace's niece?" Light asked in confusion. "Yeah, and she's almost won the Hoenn Grand Festival! She was beaten by Brendan though, but it was a close call." Trevor explained before he and Light look at the stage again.
"Let's dazzle the crowd, Ali!" Lisia exclaimed with happiness as she called out her partner Pokemon from a Great Ball that had music notes Seals on them, plus a music note on top of the device. It was a blue bird with cloud-like wings covering its body, with a white beak, black eyes and white marks on its cheeks and have its Mega Stone in its wings. It was a Altaria!
"Altaria, huh?" Light said as he pulled out his and Serena's Pokedexes, the latter Serena gave to him just in case if there was any Pokemon here that they didn't know. And this Pokemon is one of them. Meanwhile, Trevor did the same with his Pokedex, along with Shauna and Tierno's Pokedex since he was holding onto them.
"Altaria, the Humming Pokemon. Pokedex #334. Type: Dragon/Flying. If it bonds with a person, it will gently envelop the friend with its soft wings, then hum. Level: 40; Gender: Female; Ability: Cloud Nine; Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Draco Meteor, Round, Mist; Item: Altarianite. Owned by Lisia Mikuri. Nicknamed: Ali.
"Note: This Pokemon can be Mega Evolved. Way to obtain this Pokemon: Hoenn Sky Pillar, Orre Citadark Isle, Unova Route 12, 14, Victory Road, Abundant Shrine, Nature Preserve, and Kalos Route 21 or evolved Swablu at Level 35. Weak to: Rock, Ice, Dragon and Fairy-Type Moves. Resists: Ground(Immune), Fighting, Bug, Fire, Water and Grass-Type Moves. Strong against: Fighting, Grass, and Bug-Type Pokemon." All five Pokedexes said as they turned off and Light and Trevor put them up.
"Ali, use Mist! Follow up on that with Dazzling Gleam!" Lisia called out as Ali nodded her head before summoning the white mist from her mouth. She then was surrounded by a bright white glow that soon became rainbow colored as she shot it into the mist. It turned the mist into a ripple of rainbows, amazing the crowd. "And Lisia had created a rainbow! I wonder what she'll do next!" Pierre exclaimed in joy.
"Now, use Round so that everyone can hear your beautiful singing!" Lisia called out as Ali opened her beak and sang, causing some music notes to come out and appear above the crowd. "Now that some music that gets the crowd roaring in excitement!" Pierre commented. "Finish this with Draco Meteor! Let's the crowd see the stars being made!" Lisia said as Ali's chest was glowing orange.
Ali then raised her head to shoot the orange ball of energy into the sky, where it disappeared for a moment or two. Soon a bunch of comets or meteorites that were surrounded in orange energy came down towards the stage, hitting the rainbow mist and causing it to be in the sky as a real rainbow just as the last of the music notes left, ending Lisia and Ali's performance. Lisia and Ali gave a curtsy to the crowd as they cheered wildly for the two.
"Oui! That was a magnifique performance you put on, Lisia! Our judges opinions!" Pierre said, indicating the judges as Ali tapped her Great Ball, returning into the device. "Perfect relationship between Pokemon and Coordinator! It clearly shows that Lisia and Ali been training for this and care for each other." Mr. Contesta said. "Those two clearly have a lot of trust for one another." Rachel said. "You two did fine." Palermo finished as she gave Lisia a 9 out of ten while the other two judges gave Lisia a perfect 10 out of ten.
"Twenty-nine points! Now onto our next Coordinator..." Pierre said. After four Coordinators, it was Tierno's time to show his appeals. "And our sixth Coordinator is Tierno Beni, who is from Santalune City, from here in Kalos!" Pierre exclaimed to the crowd, who were clapping as Tierno danced onto the stage holding up Drizzle's Pokeball.
"Let's soak them up with our dancing, Drizzle!" Tierno said as he called out his starter out of his Pokeball that had water seals on them, giving the illusion that Drizzle came out with the waves. Drizzle twirled around for a bit while the crowd clapped, including Trevor and Light.
"Drizzle, use Rapid Spin and Bubble!" Tierno said as Drizzle retreated into his shell before spinning quickly around the stage. Soon afterwards, bubbles came out of the shell in every direction. "That'll excite the crowd, oui?" Pierre said.
"Now use Rapid Spin on those Bubbles you created, make them spread out more!" Tierno said as Drizzle hit each one of the bubbles, causing them to appear above the crowd. All the while, Tierno was dancing to a beat. "And now we have a 'Bubble Dance'! What next will this duo do?" Pierre asked in excitement.
"Now, let's finish this by biting the Bubbles!" Tierno said as Drizzle popped out of his shell and bit all of the bubbles, popping them much to the audience's amusement. During the whole thing, Drizzle and Tierno been dancing on the stage, adding more to their appeal. The two took a bow to the crowd cheering.
"Superbe! That was marvelous! Judges, please tell us what your opinions are!" Pierre said as Drizzle returned himself back into his Pokeball. "Marvelous dancing between Coordinator and Pokemon! True talent between the two! And they have a perfect sync!" Contesta praised.
"Nothing less from one of my husband's students. No wonder he always talk about how you should be in the Contest circuit. And you and Drizzle have your own talents to consider that amazes the crowd too! You just need to let Drizzle shine out a bit more." Rachel added.
"Great footwork. But you should have a bit more focus on your Pokemon's moves. Remember, this is suppose to show off a bond between Coordinator and Pokemon." Palermo said simply as she gave Tierno a seven out of ten while Rachel gave Tierno a nine and a half out of ten and Contesta gave a nine out of ten. "25 and half points for Tierno!" Pierre said as Tierno gave one last bow before walking off the stage, muttering to himself as he does so.
"Don't worry, Tierno. It was a good performance." Serena said as she patted Tierno's back. "Yeah! And remember, this is our first Contest! We aren't perfect on our first try! We'll make mistakes here and there!" Shauna said. "I know. Thanks you two." Tierno said with a small smile.
"And now onto our next Coordinator!" Pierre said as ten more Coordinators went and go before it was time for Serena. "Up next is Serena Yvonne, who is formerly from Opelucid City of Unova, currently from Vaniville Town, also from Kalos!" Pierre announced as Serena came on stage and waved to the crowd.
"Let's do this, Dazzle!" Serena said as she called out her Pokemon while the Seals she put on the Heal Ball made Dazzle's entrance a bit sparkling. "Well, that was a sparkling entrance." Light remarked as he and Trevor clapped.
"Dazzle, use Confusion on the ball, then Teleport it around the stage!" Serena said as she tossed the ball towards Dazzle. Dazzle's eyes glowed blue as the ball glowed blue. It soon glowed white before disappearing and reappearing all over the stage, ending up in Serena's hands.
"What a magnifique combination right there! What else will Miss Serena have in store?" Pierre wondered with a smile as the crowd erupted in a loud applause. However, the one that was cheering the loudest was Light, who did it because Serena remembered what he helped taught her the night prior and because she is his friend after all.
"Now, use Magical Leaf! Have it go around the stage!" Serena said as Dazzle nodded her head before firing the purple leaves and having them go around the stage in a circle. "Yay!" Dazzle exclaimed with joy.
"Now, let wrap this up with Disarming Voice, on the leaves!" Serena said as Dazzle let out a cry that became pink and hit the leaves, causing a explosion of glitters to float down onto the stage. Serena and Dazzle did a curtsy as the crowd cheered for them.
"Wonderful! What does our judges have to say?" Pierre said as Dazzle tapped the Heal Ball, going back into the device. "That was a perfect combination between you and Dazzle! I like to see more of that!" Contesta said as he gave Serena a 10 out of ten.
"That was a sparkling performance! No wonder your Ralts is known as Dazzle! And yet, I wouldn't expect less from another student of my husband! Don't expect this to be favoritism, though! Just a honest score." Rachel said as she gave Serena a 10 out of ten too.
"That was a good performance. But just because you have the audience approval now, doesn't mean that you'll have it in later Contests if you keep holding yourself back. Unless you find whatever it is that's holding you back, you might not be able to get all the necessary Ribbons." Palermo said as she gave Serena a 8 out of ten.
"And Serena gets 28 points!" Pierre said as Serena gave one more curtsy before leaving the stage. "Something holding me back? What is it?" Serena pondered to herself as she walked to the locker room, where Shauna and Tierno gave Serena a high-five. "Way to go, Serena!" Shauna exclaimed. "Yeah, and you did your first training last night? It seems like you been doing it for weeks!" Tierno added.
"And now on to our next Coordinator!" Pierre said. Nine more Coordinators came and go before it was time for Shauna to go on stage. "And next up is Shauna Sana, who is also from Vaniville Town in our native Kalos!" Pierre said as Shauna came on the stage in a pink and white dress with a black bow at the waist, a white jacket, a pair of white gloves and a pair of pink boots.
(A/N: Basically, her Pokemon Showcase outfit from the anime.)
"Let's go, Charm!" Shauna said as she called out her Pokemon that was in a Luxury Ball with pink bows at the bottom and the letter 'C' Seal on it. Out from it came a brown dog-like Pokemon with a bit of light brown fluffy fur around its neck and tip of its tail. It has brown eyes, and a small black nose. It is a Eevee!
"Hmm, a Eevee. When did she catch that?" Light said as he scanned it with his and Serena's Pokedexes. "Eevee, the Evolution Pokemon. Pokedex #133. Type: Normal. Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes. Level: 20; Gender: Female; Ability: Adaptability; Moves: Baby-Doll Eyes, Swift, Bite, Refresh. Owned by Shauna Sana. Nicknamed: Charm.
"Note #1: Evolves depending on the requirements met: Flareon when exposed to Fire Stone; Vaporeon when exposed to Water Stone; Jolteon when exposed to Thunder Stone; Espeon when having a high friendship during daytime; Umbreon when having high friendship during nighttime; Leafeon when leveled up near Moss Rock; Glaceon when leveled up near Ice Rock; Sylveon, a recent Eeveelution discovered at the same time as Fairy-Types, when leveled up with a Fairy-Type and high level of affection.
"Can be found at: Kanto Celadon Mansion, Celadon Game Corner, Route 17, Johto Goldenrod Game Corner, Hoenn Route 116, Sinnoh Trophy Garden, Unova Castelia City, Kalos Route 10, Alola Route 4, Route 6 and Galar Route 4. Weak to: Fighting-Type Moves. Resists: Ghost-Type Moves. Note #2: In Galar, this Pokemon can Gigamax." Dexter and Dexterette said before shutting off and Light putting them up back in his pockets.
"Charm, let's show the crowd your cuteness! Use Baby-Doll Eyes!" Shauna said as Charm ran around the stage before facing the crowd with her puppy-dog eyes, causing the crowd to go 'Aww" at this. Including the judges and Pierre, except for Palermo.
(Author's Commentary: I, however, am immune to this display, due to me being amazing that way. "Daggett19! Stop ruining other people fun! I'm going to have to take you back with me!" Oh boy! I mean, never! You'll never take me alive, 'God'! *Runs away while Arceus chases after him. Soon, Arceus got him* No, why can't you let me have my fun?! "Because you're the author, that's why!" See, that's why you're cranky most of the time, you never had fun once.)
"Now use Swift, let them see you dance with the stars!" Shauna said as Charm backflipped while moving her tail, causing the stars to appear around the stage as she danced around them. "Oui, what a starring experience!" Pierre commented with a pun.
"Use Bite on one of the stars and make the stage shine!" Shauna said as Charm jumped up to a star and bit it, causing it to explode in sparkles that brighten the stage, as Charm landed on Shauna's shoulders.
"Time to finish this. Charm, use Swift on the stars you made! Time to make this place shine!" Shauna exclaimed as Charm made more stars, hitting the first sets of stars and causing of huge explosion of sparkles that came down on stage as Shauna and Charm took a final curtsy to the crowd before Charmo jump up and tapped the Luxury Ball, going back into the device.
"Marvelous! What does our judges say to this?" Pierre said as he clapped to this, as he done before with other performances. "Well, you and Charm made a shining performance! Though I think you should put a bit more emphasis on her other moves too or at least a emphasis on her appearance." Contesta said as he gave Shauna a 8 out of ten.
"Charm is cute! And you did a good job with your performance, just kind of tone it down with the sparkles a smidge. Otherwise, it was good performance. I now know why my husband said you were his best student in Contest class." Rachel added as she gave Shauna a 9 out of ten.
"You need to focus more on your Pokemon's attributes and less on what you think the audience needs. The sooner you accept this, the better your chances in Contests are." Palermo said as she gave Shauna a 7 out of ten.
"24 Points. One more round of applause for Shauna, the star!" Pierre said as the crowd gave Shauna a applause as she walked off the stage with a wave, though Light could tell what Palermo said was getting to her. "Don't worry, Shauna. At least you tried and that what counts. Right?" Serena assured her friend. "Yeah, and plus, we don't know who made it to the next round yet, so I still have hope." Shauna said with a smile.
"And now time for our next Coordinator..." Pierre said. It took five more Coordinators before the last one was announced. "And our last Coordinator is Anna Vera, who is from Littleroot Town in the Hoenn Region! She was one of the three Trainers from Hoenn sent here by Prof. Birch, though she choose to be a Coordinator! Excellent choice indeed." Pierre said as a brown hair girl in a pink outfit that was similar to Lisia's outfit came on stage.
(Author's Commentary: In case if you're wondering, she does not have older sister name Elsa who sings 'Let It Go', or have ice powers. So hooray, I ruined your fantasies! "I would be mad at you, but I have to agree with you on this one. That song was used way too many times." See, even Arceus agrees with me! Soon the planet will bow to my will! *Evil laugh while petting a Purrloin and sitting in a chair, like stereotypical villains, only to get zapped by Arceus* "That doesn't mean I can't blast you!" Noted.)
"Let's show the world what we can do, Subame!" Anna said as she used a Premier Ball that was dark blue and red on bottom with a bit of yellow on top. There was a heart Seal and a star Seal, which gave the Pokemon coming out a starry, heart-filled entrance.
(A/N: What? A character nicknaming Pokemon using their Japanese names? Who would thought of that? Oh wait, that would be me. Thought that would break off the usual creative nicknames I've been giving the Pokemon. Toodles!)
It was a small dark blue bird with a white underside and yellow beak. It has a red marking on its face, starting from the pointed tip on the top of its head to its underside. It has narrow brown eyes and two pointed feathers from its tail. It is a Taillow.
"Sycamore will be proud of how much data we're getting." Light and Trevor said at the same time as they pulled out the five Pokedexes and scanned the Taillow. "Taillow, the Tiny Swallow Pokemon. Pokedex #276. Type: Normal/Flying. It has a gutsy spirit that makes it bravely take on tough foes. It flies in search of warm climates. Level: 21; Gender: Male; Ability: Guts; Moves: Focus Energy, Wing Attack, Double Team, Aerial Ace. Owned by Anna Vera. Nicknamed: Subame.
"Can be found at: Johto Cherrygrove City, Hoenn Route 104, Route 115, Route 116, Petalburg Woods, Soaring on Latias/Latios, and Kalos Route 8. Weak to: Rock, Electric and Ice-Type moves. Resists: Ground and Ghost-Type moves. Strong against: Bug, Grass, and Fighting-Type Pokemon. Evolve into Swellow at Level 22." All five Pokedexes said before shutting off as Light and Trevor put them up where they were keeping them.
"Subame, use Double Team to make clones of yourself!" Anna said as Subame nodded his head before glowing white as he made multiple versions of himself that took to the sky. "What does Anna have in store for us?" Pierre asked.
"Wait a moment and I'll show you." Anna said under her breath with a smirk. "Subame, use Wing Attack to make hoops of air, for you and your clones to go through!" Anna said as Subame looped around one spot in the air with his wings glowing until a tiny tornado came out of it, making a hoop in the air that all of his clones was going through with flying tricks. "How is this possible?" Pierre asked in wonder as the crowd cheered.
"Time to finish this. Subame, use Aerial Ace to get rid of the hoop, and your clones!" Anna said. Subame's body began to have white streaks on it as he hit his clones and the hoop with his wings before landing next to Anna and tapping his Premier Ball, returning back to the device as Anna took another curtsy as the crowd cheered for the performance.
"Spectacular! Judges?" Pierre said with a thumbs up. "That was a perfect combination between you and Subame! Keep it up!" Contesta said as he gave a 10 out of ten. "That was amazing! Though you were a bit off with the Wing Attack by a second, it was still good." Rachel said as she gave a 9 out of ten. "You did good, but you need to be a more neat with your appeals." Palermo said as she gave Anna a 8 out of ten.
"27 Points! And there we have it folks! After a ten minute break, we'll be revealing the sixteen Coordinators that will move on to the next round!" Pierre said as Anna walked off the stage with a smile and a happy hop in her steps.
Ten Minutes Later
"Alright, it time to show the 16 Coordinators that will move on to the next round!" Pierre said as he pointed at a screen that had sixteen blank slots, which there was also a screen in the locker room. At his words, they turned around to show the sixteen Coordinators, which were Lisia, Serena, Anna, Shauna and Tierno, and five males and six females.
"Yay! The three of us made it!" Shauna said as she gave the other two a group hug. "Maybe because we have three of the best sixteen scores?" Serena asked with a smile. "Heck yeah we did!" Tierno said as they look at the screen, to make sure that they actually made it to the next round, which the screen didn't change that fact.
"These sixteen Coordinators and their Pokemon will show off their talents in this round! If Coordinators have more than one Pokemon, they may switch their Pokemon at this time!" Pierre said. "I'm gonna let Destiny have her chance right now." Serena said as she left the locker room to got to the lobby, where Light and Trevor were, buying snacks for the rest of the Contest.
"Hey, Serena. That was great." Trevor said. "Yeah, you remember what I taught you last night about combinations." Light added with a small smirk. "Thanks. Anyways, Light, can you give me Destiny's Pokeball please?" Serena asked. "Sure." Light said as he pulled out said Pokeball from Serena's bag and gave it to Serena as she gave him Dazzle's Heal Ball, which was put in the bag.
(Author's Commentary: Not like that meme from Pokemon Sun and Moon. We don't have a Cosmog nor a Lillie for this. Glad to ruin that meme! Bye! *Leaves on Rainbow Quartz 2.0's umbrella while Arceus just facepalmed at this, shaking his head* I'm Mary Poppins 2.0, Y'all!)
"Thanks Light!" Serena said as she gave Light a hug before running back to the locker room. Light was shocked at the sudden hug. "I-I guess she was more happy about moving to the next round than we thought." Trevor said, also surprised by the sudden hug.
Soon the Talent Round went and go, with one Coordinator and his Pokemon singing, another one and her Pokemon juggling. Tierno and Rose were dancing. Serena and Destiny tossed Destiny's branch, which was ignited with flames, back and forth. Shauna and Spina(her nickname for Chespin) were doing some acting. Lisia and Ali were playing some instruments. Anna and Achamo(Nickname for her Torchic) were doing improv comedy. And the rest were a blur, though that was because Light and Trevor was trying to not pass out from boredom from the second round, excluding Serena, Tierno and Shauna's talents.
(Author's Commentary: Some may call this a montage, some may call this me getting a writer's block. Me? I call this getting lazy. Yay! "Get on with the story!" Fine fine. Geez, who died and made you ruler of the universe? "No one did, because I was the only one in existence. Now get back to work or you're fired!" Ok, have me work like a slave, why don't you?!)
Soon, it was time to announce the 8 Coordinators that would move on to the Battle Round. "And next up here are the 8 Coordinators that will move on the round! The 8 Coordinators that will be moving on will show up on the screen!" Pierre said. (Hey, I just said that! "Shut up and continue writing this! Fine. *Grumbles under his breath about how unfair Arceus is as he continues writing*)
The eight slots turned around to show the eight Coordinators, including Serena, Shauna, Tierno, Lisia and Shauna. "Yes! We made it this far!" Shauna cheered. "And now time to show the match-ups!" Pierre said as the slots started moving, spinning around. Soon it showed the match-ups. Serena, Shauna and Tierno were battling against three random Coordinators while Lisia and Anna would be pitted against each other.
"Yay, we don't have to battle each other till the next round, Serena!" Shauna said. "That is if we manage to make it to the next battle." Serena said with a worry face. "Don't worry. We saw how well you battle and how your appeals are. That how Contests battles are, Serena. Just a combination of the two." Tierno assured Serena, who began to smile a bit. "I guess if you guys believe we can make it to the next round, then so will I." Serena said.
"Good, the let do this!" Shauna said. "First up is Serena vs. Georgia!" Pierre said as the two pictures took up the screen with two circles underneath them. Serena and her opponent, who is a artist, step up onto the stage. The timer in the middle have 5:00 on it.
"As everyone already knows, for this round each Coordinator have five minutes to battle each other and try to lower their opponent's score. The battle ends once the time limit is up, a Coordinator's points run out, the Battle Off condition, or a draw! If it a draw regarding the amount of points, there will be a sudden death match, where the first Coordinator to land a move wins the battle! If both Pokemon gets knock out, then there will be a coin toss to determine the winner! Ready you two?" Pierre asked the two Coordinators. "Yes." Serena and Georgia replied.
"Then let the battle began!" Pierre said as Serena and Georgia grabbed the Pokeballs for the Pokemon they were using this round. "Go Silk!/Let paint this world together, Smear!" Serena and Georgia said as they called out their Pokemon. "Strange seeing Smeargles again." Light muttered under his breath while Trevor looked shocked.
"And go!" Pierre said as the timer started.
Contest Battle Round 1! Serena Vs. Georgia (Silk Vs. Smear)
"Silk, use Poison Powder, add Whirlwind to it!" Serena said as Silk nodded her head before doing the move, sending the purple dust to Smear and hitting her, causing a quarter of Georgia's points to decrease as Smear was poisoned.
"Smear, are you ok?" Georgia asked in concern. "Smeargle! (Yes!)" Smear said as she winced in pain briefly due to the poison as Georgia's points went down by a tenth. "Okay, use Quick Attack, follow by Sketch!" Georgia said as Smear went towards Silk, about to tackle her. "Silk, dodge it with Whirlwind, then use Psybeam!" Serena said as Silk used the winds to move out of the way, lowering Georgia's points by another quarter, leaving her with 35 points left.
The timer had 3:45 left. "Smear, use Quick Attack!" Georgia said as Smear ran towards Silk, while wincing in pain a bit as the poison took effect again, causing Georgia's points to go down by another tenth.
"Silk, dodge with Whirlwind again and use Bug Bite!" Serena said as Silk dodge again thanks to the winds. She then bit Smear in the back, causing all of Georgia's points to go down with only 1:59 remaining. "And the winner of the battle is Serena!" Pierre said as Serena's picture took up most of the screen with the words 'Winner' underneath it. "Yes." Serena said as she hugged Silk.
Shauna and Tierno made it past their matches too, as did Lisia though it was a close match. Soon it was time for Serena vs Shauna. "Next battle is Serena vs Shauna!" Pierre said as their pictures appeared on the screen, along with their scores on the bottom and the five minutes on the timer.
"Are you two ready?" Pierre asked the two. "Yes./Yes!" They replied. "Then let the battle begin!" Pierre said. "Go, Silk!/Go, Charm!" Serena and Shauna said as they called out their Pokemon. "Begin!" Pierre said as the timer started.
Contest Battle Round 5! Rival Battle #3!(In Serena's case) Serena Vs. Shauna (Silk Vs. Charm)
"Charm, use Swift on Silk!" Shauna said with joy as Charm made stars from her tail and shot towards Silk. "Counter it with Psybeam!" Serena said as Silk shot the purple beam from her antenna, destroying most of the stars except for one that hit her, causing Serena and Shauna's points to drop by a tenth.
"Silk, use Poison Powder!" Serena said as Silk shot the purple dust cloud at Charm, causing her to be poisoned as Shauna's points went down by a tenth. "Charm, cure it with Refresh!" Shauna said as Charm was surrounded in a green light before being cured of the poison, causing Serena's points to go down by a twelfth.
"So that's why she decided to risk being disqualified during the appeals. She's been waiting for this moment." Serena said under her breath as she looked at the timer. It had 3:45 remaining. ""You can do this, Serena." Light said from under his breath, yet it like Serena heard as if he was near her.
"Charm, use Swift!" Shauna said as Charm made the stars again. "Send it right back at her with Whirlwind, Silk!" Serena said as Silk summoned up the winds, causing the stars to fly back at Charm and hit her. Shauna's points went down by another quarter.
The timer had 1:30 remaining on it. "Charm, use Bite on Silk!" Shauna said as Charm rushed towards Silk with her teeth bared. "Dodge and use Bug Bite!" Serena said as Silk twirled in the air, dodging the bite attack. She then bit Charm in the back, causing Shauna's point to drop by another tenth, just as the timer dropped to 1:00 remaining.
"Charm, use Swift!" Shauna said as Charm prepared to use the move again. "Quick Silk, use Psybeam and add Whirlwind to give it more power!" Serena said as Silk shot the purple beam from her antenna, and summoned the wind to give it a boost. At the same time, Charm shot the stars, causing them to collide and make a smoke cloud as the screen was covered as well.
Once the smoke cleared up, it showed that the timer went up with Serena having slightly more points than Shauna, winning the battle. "Oh thank Arceus." Serena said under her breath as Silk hugged her from behind. "And the winner of the match is Serena!" Pierre said as Serena's picture took up the screen again with the winner under it.
"Good job, Serena! Hope you win the ribbon!" Shauna said as she hugged her friend. "Thanks Shauna." Serena said. Afterwards, Tierno won his match against Lisia via his strategy with dancing. Soon, it was time for the final round, the battle that determines the winner of the ribbon. Serena and Tierno's picture appeared on the screen, along with their scores and a timer of 10:00.
"This is it! The match to determine the one who will win the Camphrier Ribbon and the location of the next Contest! Will it be Tierno, who manage to beat Lisia the superstar? Or will it be Serena, who manage to impress everyone in this crowd with her combinations? Let find out in this battle!" Pierre said as Serena and Tierno pulled out their Pokeballs.
"Go Silk!/Let Dance, Armor!" Serena and Tierno said as they called out their Pokemon. "Hopefully I learned his weakness from watching Light's battle yesterday." Serena said under her breath. "Let the final round begin!" Pierre said as the timer began.
Contest Battle Round #7! Rival Battle #4! Serena Vs. Tierno (Silk Vs. Armor)
"Armor, use Sword Dance, follow by Vice Grip!" Tierno said as Armor dance, causing swords to appeared around him as he was surrounded in a red aura, as his attack was sharply raised. Serena lost twenty points just by that alone. "Silk, stop him with Psybeam!" Serena said as Silk shot the purple beam at Armor, causing him to stumble a bit while Tierno lost twenty points too.
"Armor, use Bubble!" Tierno said with a twirl as Armor shot the bubbles from his pincers. "Block it with Whirlwind!" Serena said as Silk summoned up the wind to blow the Bubbles right back at Armor. "Armor, use Harden!" Tierno said as Armor did just that, surrounding his body in a blue aura as his defense increased while the bubbles did little damage to him. Both Tierno and Serena lost points, though Serena lost more, nearly losing half of her points.
Meanwhile, the timer had 2:30 remaining. "Come on Serena, you can do it!" Shauna shouted from the audience seating, which was where she was after losing the Contest. She sat there by choice, not by rules. "You know how to turn things around, Serena. You just need to see the big picture." Light said under his breath, acting like a coach.
"Silk, use Poison Powder! Cover the entire stage if you have to!" Serena said as Silk shot off the purple dust cloud. "Really Serena? That not enough to stop me! Armor, Bubble on that cloud!" Tierno said as Armor shot bubbles at the cloud, causing a tenth of Serena's points to be gone.
"Now Silk, use Psybeam and Bug Bite!" Serena said as Silk appeared from above the cloud and hit Armor with the purple beam, causing a quarter of Tierno's points to be gone. Then she shot towards Armor and bit him hard on the head, causing him to wince in pain for a moment before passing out due to the critical hit.
"Battle Off! And the winner of the Contest, and the Camphrier Ribbon is Serena Yvonne!" Pierre said as the screen showed Serena's picture one last time, along with the caption of winner under it. "W-we did it? We won? We won!" Serena said as she and Silk have a hug.
"Congrats Serena. You really turned the tables on me. But don't think I will lose the next time." Tierno said as they shook hands. "Neither will I." Serena said with a smirk. Soon, Contesta walked on stage to give Serena the Camphrier Ribbon.
"Congratulation, young lady. You show us that you deserve to win this." Contesta said as he gave her the Ribbon, which she held in her hands. "We won the Camphrier Ribbon!" Serena said as she jumped into the air with both arms outstretched. "Yay!" Silk, Destiny and Dazzle cheered before Serena put the Ribbon in her Ribbon Case.
"And the next Contest will be in Ambrette Town in exactly two weeks." Pierre whispered to Serena. "Okay. Thanks." Serena whispered back. Everyone clapped for the whole event.
Ten Minutes Later-Pokemon Center
"You, Serena, just prove that you can become the new Top Coordinator soon." Tierno said. "Thanks, but it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for Light teaching me combinations." Serena said. "Well, at least Ambrette Town is on our way to Cyllage City, plus it has fossils so it will be more interesting." Trevor said. "Anyways, it time for bed." Serena said as they went off to their own rooms and went to sleep, despite the day they just had.
To Be Continued...
Next time on The Honedge Path!: Shauna takes Light and Serena to the Shabboneau Castle only to see that there's nothing left in there. To make matters worse, they can't go to Route 7 because of two Snorlaxes blocking the way, so they need to go to the Parfum Palace to get the Poke Flute.
Along the way, Light and Serena get battled by tourists, Trainers, and even a Espurr pair and a Honedge! Will they make it to the palace to get the Poke Flute?
Light's Pokemon Team:
Hydro(Froakie->Frogadier/Currently blind and wearing aura glasses in order to see): Type: Water; Level: 27; Gender: Male; Ability: Battle Bond(Hidden Ability #2); Moves: Round, Water Pulse, Quick Attack, Lick; Nature: Mild; Personality: Laid back most of the time, serious sometimes, excited during battles; Characteristic: Sturdy body; First Met: Level: 5, Aquacorde Town, June 2nd, 2019(Chapter 1); Evolved: Level: 17, Santalune City Gym, Trust for Light and not wanting to give up, June 13th, 2019 (Chapter 9); Pokeball of choice: Pokeball; OT(Original Trainer): Light Kiseki
Phoenix(Fletchling->Fletchinder): Type: Fire-Flying; Level: 24; Gender: Female; Ability: Big Pecks; Moves: Agility, Flail, Ember, Peck; Nature: Adamant; Personality: Confident and determined; Characteristic: Proud of its power; First Met: Level: 5, Kalos Route 2, June 3rd, 2019(Chapter 3); Evolved: Level: 17, Route 4, June 19th, 2019(Chapter 11); Pokeball of choice: Fast Ball; OT: Light Kiseki
Digger(Bunnelby->DIggersby): Type: Normal-Ground; Level: 24; Gender: Male; Ability: Huge Power(Hidden Ability); Moves: Mud Shot, Take Down, Quick Attack, Double Kick; Nature: Gentle; Personality: Shy and timid, determined; Characteristic: Likes to run; First Met: Level: 4, Kalos Route 2, June 3rd, 2019(Chapter 3); Evolved: Level: 20, Route 4, June 19th, 2019(Chapter 11); Pokeball of choice: Premier Ball; OT: Light Kiseki
Mindshock(Shiny Cap Pikachu): Type: Electric: Level: 26; Gender: Male; Ability: Male; Moves: Spark, Thunder Wave, Double Kick, Electro Ball; Nature: Naive; Personality: Happy, small part of him is sad(read Chapter 5 for his backstory), curious; Characteristic: Highly curious; First met: Level: 10, Santalune Forest, June 5th, 2019(Chapter 5); Pokeball of choice: Cherish Ball; OT: Light Kiseki
Blade(Shiny Ralts->Shiny Kirlia): Type: Psychic-Fairy; Level: 21; Gender: Male; Ability: Trace: Moves: Confusion, Double Team, Magical Leaf, Healing Pulse; Nature: Lonely; Personality: Likes to be by himself, mostly silent, views Light as similar being to hang out with; Characteristics: Highly persistent; First met: Level: 13, Route 4, June 19th, 2019(Chapter 11); Evolved at: Level 20, Route 5, June 26th, 2019; Pokeball of choice: Level Ball; OT: Light Kiseki
Pyro(Torchic->Combusken): Type: Fire-Fighting; Level: 24; Gender: Female; Ability: Speed Boost(Hidden Ability); Moves: Double Kick, Sand Attack, Flame Charge, Peck; Nature: Adamant; Personality: Curious about everything, want to treated as equal; Characteristics: Highly curious; First met: Level: 15, Sycamore's Pokemon Lab, June 19th, 2019(Chapter 11); Evolved: Level: 17, Sycamore Pokemon Lab, Lumiose City, June 23rd, 2019(Between Chapter 13 and Chapter 14); Pokeball of choice: Cherish Ball; OT: Light Kiseki
Light Obtained Badge(s):
Bug Badge
Serena's Pokemon Team:
Destiny(Shiny Fennekin->Shiny Braixen): Type: Fire Level: 26; Gender: Female; Ability: Blaze; Moves: Psybeam, Flame Charge, Ember, Howl; Nature: Modest; Personality: Calm, peaceful, happy; Characteristic: Often lost in thought; First met: Level: 5, Aquacorde Town, June 2nd, 2019(Chapter 1); Evolved: Level 16, Route 4, secret training, June 18th, 2019(Between Chapter 10 and Chapter 11); Pokeball of choice; Pokeball; OT: Serena Yvonne
Silk(Caterpie->Metapod->Butterfree): Type: Bug-Flying; Level: 24; Gender: Female; Ability: Tinted Lens(Hidden Ability); Moves: Whirlwind, Poison Powder, Psybeam, Bug Bite(Learned it between Chapter 4 and 5); Nature; Relaxed; Personality: Caring, loving, acts like the mother to Serena's Pokemon(excluding Patterns due to them being friends); Characteristic: Good endurance; First met: Level: 4, Kalos Route 2, June 3rd, 2019(Chapter 3); Evolved: Route 22, one level late at Level: 11, June 12, 2019(Chapter 8); Pokeball of choice: Dream Ball; OT: Serena Yvonne
Patterns(Scatterbug->Spewpa->Vivillon): Type: Bug-Flying; Level: 24; Gender: Male; Ability: Friend Guard(Hidden Ability); Moves: Infestation(TM Move), Psybeam, Stun Spore, Protect(Evolution); Nature: Hardy; Personality: Determined, sassy, protective, quick to anger; Characteristic: A little quick tempered; First met; Level: 4, Kalos Route 2, June 3rd, 2019(Chapter 3); Evolved: Alexa's Training session, June 12th, 2019(between Chapter 8 and 9); Pokeball of choice: Luxury Ball; OT: Serena Yvonne
Spray(Panpour): Type: Water; Level: 25; Gender: Male; Ability: Torrent(Hidden Ability); Moves: Taunt, Scald(TM Move), Bite, Water Gun; Nature: Quiet; Personality: Laid back, silent most of the time, goes with the flow; Characteristic: Likes to relax; First met: Level: 9, Santalune Forest, June 5th, 2019(Chapter 5); Pokeball of choice: Friend Ball; OT: Serena Yvonne
Dazzle(Ralts): Type: Psychic-Fairy; Level: 21; Gender: Female; Ability: Synchronize; Moves: Confusion, Magical Leaf, Teleport, Disarming Voice; Nature: Gentle; Personality: Sweet and caring, even to Blade; Characteristics: Strong willed; First met: Level: 13, Route 4, June 19th, 2019(Chapter 11); Pokeball of choice: Heal Ball; OT: Serena Yvonne
Flow(Mudkip): Type: Water; Level: 19; Gender: Male; Ability: Torrent; Moves: Bide, Foresight, Water Gun, Mud-Slap; Nature: Relaxed; Personality: Goes with the flow, always calm; Characteristics: Capable of taking hits; First met: Level: 15, Sycamore's Pokemon Lab, Lumiose City, June 19th, 2019(Chapter 11); Pokeball of choice: Dive Ball; OT: Serena Yvonne
Serena's Obtained Badge(s):
Bug Badge
Serena's Obtained Ribbon(s):
Camphrier Ribbon
(A/N: Disclaimer: Merry Christmas, dear readers. Sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I wanted to make sure this came out the right way. Another reason why is because this is the last chapter I'm writing for now. I'm not going on hiatus or anything, just thought to enjoy the holidays. If you want to read anymore stuff from me, read the other book that my older brother and I wrote, it's on my profile for a read! It's even finished so you don't have to wait for us to update it weekly. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! Or in this case, Have a Marill Christmas and a Hoppip New Year! Bye!)