The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)

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The Knoxville News-Sentineli

Knoxville, Tennessee

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News Sentinel Saturday January 11 2014 E3 iteftntomao wcfciJWMflg7 1 marntmoj mmtimm Hwtummsu CHEVY SILVEKADO auto 3754 POOL TABLE brand fully anerntrisd 14 ft All occasa 701-42337 WHtMmVA RX SHOWS PflESSVT GUN SHOW Jan 25-26 MTMJtflUVBd CMLHOWEE PARf off MO BUY-SELL-tnAOE 27-0170 TT 225E-Z CHEVY SILVEBADO auto 5151 SUM Quality 16581107 top S300 doc foa -f ttl CHEVY SILVEKADO CHEVY SILVERADO CHI DDGE RAM 1500 DODGE 3500 05 craw Msg DODGE DAKOTA 1777 SLT Club Cab svasajir DODGE RAM V4 quad cab 8148 8107" DODGE RAM 05 1500 crew 5147 511775 DODGE RAM 13 1500 auto 5320 517995 DOOGE RAM 1500 4)3 4orJat22SJWfcto1254 iwaNTOM DODGE RAM 1500 '03 V6 5899m $7766 DODGE RAM 1500 06 98nhJP6Z TOYOTA TACOMA 1 KIA SORENTO 13 LX dean 67Sb 520740 9844 145970-2977 1 5499 doc ta ttl LAND ROVER V3 Oil-covery MM6 $9450 -SSfesew LEXUC GX 470 '05 lTOof 647571 51791 LEXUS RX350 VI Ithr iroof 8184a 520710 tndW 54 0658730610 bid IXOtfacto tt LEXUS RX408H M-00t 79710 $201 India 370 M6-mSl4 ind 547doctoe -t-ttl UNC NAVIGATOR IB Ithr loaded only 120k mitet 01423 tndW 016604 845280-1092 MERCEDES GLK350 MERCEDES ML 3 11 Nav 34012 531771 Mfteteytf MERC MOUNTAINEER US 5226 56995 Quality l45-68t-il 9 tod 5308 doc foe ttl MERC MOUNTAINEER V7 61w 513991 fnd 13936 MgZ73-7717 tod 5479 doc to ttl MITS MONTERO IB ltd sroot I Lmt Ithr 062330a Air-portAuta 14M4M660 NISSAN ARMADA 1)4 LE 91 71m 59692 tndt 9(46 545980-227 Ind 8499 doc to ttl NISSAN MURANO 1)3 NISSAN MURANO sroof 4224b $10994 tndW 9846 8659803287 Ind SWTdBCtoe ttl NISSAN PATHFINDER 07 aula pwr 7(07 Carmort 8M-577-2565 NISSAN PATHFINDER aaawff NISSAN PATHFINDER 13 406487 $25995 tndW11367 (65351-3673 tod 8595 doc toe ttl NISSAN XTERRA V5 auto 88k 81463 89995 Carmort 865577-2545 incl IMP doc toe iti NISSAN XTERRA '05 NISSAN XTERRA V5 siiafiw NISSAN XTERRA V6 atflom OLDS RRAVADA 98 Sid sTSOdictoe 1H PONTIAC AZTEK '02 ntcc cor suptr clean 5637490 Air port AutOt FORD FLEX 11 Ltd AWD 10770 121995 GMC ACADIA V7SLT2 Ithr I32P 511950 50 ok fee prico ttl GMC ACADIA 'll SLT 749m $2374 HONDA CRV 06 EX lroof 4687m 512451 tndW 9646 1654(52217 Ind 549900C tee -fttl AMw a buywY itartaS haNwaSaCIai8t HONDA CRV 11 SE Oil pwr 3644 S17W1 HONDA CRV 12 EXL auto 45(68 525991 tndt 3942 (8877-2692 Incl 5500doctH ttf HI- HONDA ELEMENT V3 EX (H7128 55775 HONDA PILOT 4)3 135k 1111 56995 Carmort I6M778SM incl 5250 doc toe ttl HONDA PILOT 2010 EXL leather DVD $17500 HU66MER HI 93le HYUNDAI SANTA FR 200 LTD htd Ithr MateKS 511995 64814-74(0 JEEP LIBERTY V2 Lmtd 581 oh 559(6 bbmubi JEEP LIBERTY 12 Lmtd 511(0 518795 smstRw JEEP WRANGLER V7 Untoltd 73L 525991 tnd 9846 865980-2287 tod tGOddCtoTMti JEEP WRANGLES 10 Untoltd 432e 525980 agwai JEEP WRANGLER 13 Untoltd 4980b S3drn gwgjj JEEP WRANGLER 2007 Sahara 4DR 2007 Sahara 4DR David 865817410 JEEP WRANGLER 09 22751 S1991 RirjfeSttttfr ueemmm Qround Lwril ffwCImW aqUp tacag $130 86600x412 KOMATSU 3001 3H0 tn kw atldi 13 It tilt btoda naw track patb-- Part' I dBoablMOO fiMadnsMSw "gBwmjar- Candltlan rvwwrar blab kay 51506 i Par inara Marmatton Mag OUITAR WANTED ITMaraMar Strotocaater or Telecaater yi aaa N9TwnWf GUITAR WANTED lf69 or older StrotocoBtcr STEIN WAY GRAND Fiona 1777 Modal dal cond 5M available ETHAN ALLEN Cust Rm Plan Maple 40 Dreaaer 40 Draai Framed Mi Exc cond 1390 OAK Round tab with leaf 4 swivel chairs mmmmu DRYER 5150 WASHER SITS REFRIGERATOR oaadcorto Candtllvar (S65T546-1773 GOOD AS NEW APPLIANCES 90 Day Warranty rv vuj nuumuj 865-851-9053 H0I EManmNoAm wicemaker exc M50COdM5- WBW CARVED CAROUSEL HorMStamT Mads LwSSESthi4i VaA 4-ll He ii 1 1 new BUYING LINCOLN PENNIES Gollectians HJYW5W us corns 70 lilvsr ha quarters A dime) silver dollars i da rba gssmj bexe1928 WEST SUE COWS KCOUECIBUS 70MUN6S1ONK OUSM407I INDIAN Csltoctor to purchase Indian Items ih Colon id and Early i of the American West Appratod Sarvicd Museum Rat 1 Michael Hieelns Antique Indlun Art since 1772 mdhigeini In Knoxville Jan 11-11 Sf Ate YOU in the Merkel? 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SIERRA VI iLE 2500HD 405443 55995 GMC SIERRA '05 SLT VI 51320362n $9244 tndl 9846 865980-2287 Incl $499docto ttl SIERRA GMC SIERRA '07 SLT nice 990m 52094 GMC SIERRA VO GMC SIERRA V9 1800 SLT 40132B 52544 GMC SIERR HONDA NIDGELINE 0 RT 6h370LS9850 HONDA RIDGELINE Sell Your Stuff Call: 8656374111 or 1 86663741 1 1 Fax: 8656733482 Email: callcenteradsOknoxnewscom Online: wwwknoxnewscom In Person: Mon Fri 8 am 5 pm 2332 News Sentinel Drive Knoxville TN 37921 Payments: Prepayment required for al non-contract ads Ad placed by phone may be paid by credit card or check by phone Mated check must be received before ad runs Yxj may also pay In person during regular office hours ib Free Classifieds Print and online 3 lines tor 3 days 70 Private Party classifications items priced at or below $100 Deadlines Line Ad Deadlines: Monday: Friday 4 pm Tuesday: Monday 1 pm Wednesday: Tuesday 1 pm Thursday: Wednesday 1 pm Friday: Thursday 1 pm Saturday: Friday 11 am Sunday: Friday 3 pm thure noon Commercial Real Estate Camera-Ready Display Ad Deadlines: Allow one extra day for custom artwork Monday Thursday 4 pm Tuesday Friday 2 pm Wednesday Monday 2 pm Thursday Tuesday 2 pm Friday Wednesday 2 pm Saturday -Thursday noon Sunday -Thursday 4 pm Wad noon Commeicial Real Estate Col tar ear I CHEVROLET Since 1933 Is looking for 3-4 extremely self motivated SALES ASSOCIATES Some sales experience Is required for this position We offer great benefits and an ethical work environment Beaty Chevrolet has been in business since 1933 Most Competitive Pay Plan in Knoxville Cash Bonuses and Incentives 401 HealthLife Insurance Paid Haining Program Drug Free Workplace Equal Opportunity Employer Must Apply In Person on Tuesday or Wednesday from 10 AM to 2 PM Beaty Chevrolet 9615 Parkside Dr Knoxville TN 37922 HONDA RIDGELINE 13 RT 324 52773 tndl 3962 50577-3072 tod 8500 doc toe ttl tndW 984 16570297 tod (479doctoe ttl wat dual Call 185591 l-OMf! 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The Knoxville News-Sentinel from Knoxville, Tennessee (2024)


Who were the first settlers in Knoxville? ›

Indians were the first settlers of Knoxville and East Tennessee. By the time the first European settlers appeared, the Cherokees dominated the region. James White was the first known settler of Knoxville.

Where is Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

Driving directions to Knoxville News Sentinel, 2332 News Sentinel Dr, Knoxville - Waze.

What is the major newspaper in Knoxville, Tennessee? ›

Knoxville News Sentinel | Knoxville TN.

Why are people moving to Knoxville? ›

Between the low cost of living, plentiful jobs, welcoming southern charm, sense of community and undeniable natural beauty, eastern Tennessee — and Knoxville in particular — offers something for everyone. As for the cost of living, you'll think you went back in time.

What is the oldest town in Tennessee? ›

Jonesborough, the oldest town in Tennessee, is established seventeen years before Tennessee was granted statehood. The General Assembly of North Carolina established it as the county seat of Washington County.

Was there slavery in Knoxville? ›

In 1850, Knoxville counted roughly 1,500 enslaved individuals out of a total population of around 4,500. By 1860, the enslaved population had grown to approximately 2,000 out of a total population of 8,000.

What is the history of the Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

History. The newspaper was formed in 1926 from the merger of two competing newspapers: The Knoxville News and The Knoxville Sentinel. John Trevis Hearn began publishing The Sentinel in December 1886, while The News was started in 1921 by Robert P. Scripps and Roy W.

Who owns the Knoxville Sentinel? ›

This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Why retire in Knoxville? ›

A Mild Climate

The summer temperatures typically stay in the 80s, while the winter highs usually don't fall below 45 degrees. On average, the area receives less than a foot of snow every year, which helps retirees to stay comfortable and active almost year-round.

What is the ranking of University of Tennessee Knoxville in the US news and World Report? ›

University of Tennessee, Knoxville's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #105. Its in-state tuition and fees are $13,244; out-of-state tuition and fees are $31,434.

How do I cancel Knoxville News Sentinel? ›

How can I cancel my subscription? You can cancel at any time by calling Customer Service at 1-844-900-7097.

What is the name of the newspaper in Sevierville Tennessee? ›

Sevier County's daily newspaper.

How much do you need to make to live comfortably in Knoxville? ›

$28,600 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $39,100 is the 75th percentile.

What are the disadvantages of living in Knoxville, Tennessee? ›

Knoxville also ranks as one of the top 10 fastest-growing cities in Tennessee. However, like any city, there are also some downsides to consider, such as limited public transportation, nightlife and shopping options, hot summers, and higher sales tax.

What state is moving to Tennessee the most? ›

In recent years, migration has been the main driver of population growth in Tennessee. Individuals who moved to Tennessee from other states mostly came from California, Texas, and the southeastern U.S. The largest contributors were Florida and California, sending 25,318 and 22,565 new residents respectively.

Who were the first settlers in Tennessee? ›

William Bean, a longhunter who settled in a log cabin near present-day Johnson City in 1769, is traditionally accepted as the first permanent European American settler in Tennessee. Most 18th-century settlers were English or of primarily English descent, but nearly 20% of them were Scotch-Irish.

What tribes were in Knoxville Tennessee? ›

The land upon which the University of Tennessee-Knoxville is built is part of the traditional territory of the Tsalagi peoples (now Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, and United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians), Tsoyahá peoples (Yuchi, Muscogee Creek), and Shawnee peoples.

Who founded Knoxville, Tennessee? ›

James White, the founder of Knoxville, established his home here in 1786 as a fort and cluster of cabins.

What was the first home in Knoxville? ›

James White's Fort is the birthplace of Knoxville nestled into the heart of present-day Downtown. It proudly stands as Knoxville's first home, built in 1786 by Revolutionary War hero and founder of Knoxville, James White.

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.