Weekly Tarotscope: August 12 - 18, 2024 | Astrology Answers (2025)

Spark, passion, and pizzazz aren’t the only themes that a shift into more Leo energy can bring.

Mercury retrograde enters passionate Leo on the 14th. We’ve already spent some time in this infamous astrological phenomenon, but the shift into Leo might create an even stronger sense of impatience and spontaneity.

Remember: Mercury retrograde isn’t all doom and gloom. This period of time, in particular, can slow us down and force us to reflect more thoughtfully on our desires and instincts.

To see how it’s likely to impact you, we’ve consulted the Tarot to see how else this energy might influence your week ahead.

Your Sign’s Weekly Tarotscope for August 12 – 18, 2024


9 of Wands (Reversed)

Aries, it’s time to get back into motion… slowly but surely.

The 9 of Wands is usually a card of steadiness and caution, and it can also be a highly taxing position to find yourself in (especially for a sign as typical go-getter as Aries).

Reversed, you’re rearing up to start anew. However, you’re also still shaking off some of that slow, steadier energy in the process, so don’t speed up too quickly.

While this week may feel like it’s “go time,” just don’t jump into everything too hard or too fast.


3 of Wands

Taurus is expanding toward a bigger and brighter future.

The 3 of Wands shows your metaphorical ships finally coming back into port. You’ve set intentions out into the world and have been patiently waiting for those first seeds of opportunity to sprout.

Are you ready to see what the Universe is offering you in exchange for your initial steps of progress?

Keep an open mind and open heart, and stay watchful of the opportunities and open doors that may come your way this week.


Queen of Cups

Gemini now is a time to listen to the inner currents of your heart.

You may be known for your intellectual, witty side to the outside eye, but deep down, you also have your own intuitive prowess and emotional world that guides you.

The Queen of Cups really emphasizes the importance of this side of you right now, asking you to tune in intentionally.

What does your heart have to tell you, Gemini? It may be time to let it lead.


2 of Pentacles (Reversed)

You may have the skills that it takes for success, but you also don’t have all the time and energy in the world, Cancer.

The 2 of Pentacles reversed makes you very aware of this important truth, highlighting this week as one of potential imbalance and falling behind in your work if you aren’t careful.

Life won’t wait up for you, thoughtful crab.

You will have to make time for what’s truly important rather than reach for the newest or shiniest things that may seem like they’re worth your time.


10 of Wands (Reversed)

Have you been carrying too much, Leo?

The 10 of Wands reversed hints that you likely have been, as this week seems to be about loosening the reins of control and also letting go of unnecessary baggage and responsibilities.

You may be strong and capable of carrying much weight, but that doesn’t mean you should.

This week, you’re called to find rest, rejuvenation, and ease.


The Hanged Man (Reversed)

Virgo may be feeling anxious and restless with this week’s energy.

Although The Hanged Man can usually be a necessary pit stop for spiritual reflection and perspective-gaining, the reversal points to potential stagnancy and some restlessness with this vibe.

You may want the answers to life more immediately than they are ready to find you or are seeking solutions to problems that aren’t meant to be fixed yet.


Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Libra, self-confidence must start from within.

The Queen of Wands reversed points to shakiness and uncertainty within your sense of self, confidence, and leadership capabilities.

Usually, Libra seems to effortlessly radiate charm and success. However, you may not feel like others are as receptive right now to said charm.

Instead, you’ll have to restabilize your self-image by solidifying what feels good to you (rather than a larger crowd).


King of Pentacles (Reversed)

Scorpio is aiming to find their footing this week, but it isn’t easy.

The King of Pentacles reversed indicates that you aren’t feeling as secure or stable as usual, especially in the realm of career, finances, and the home.

This isn’t an ideal week for major decisions in those areas, even though it may be tempting to set a plan into motion just to feel like you’re making secure progress.

But remember: the feeling of security must first come from within, Scorpio.


8 of Swords (Reversed)

Sagittarius, it’s time to let go of your own self-restraints.

In other words, how have you been holding yourself back? The 8 of Swords certainly notes that you’ve been stuck for a while.

Reversed, this card hints, however, that it may just be the right time to finally make headway with this.

No more second-guessing, self-doubting, or questioning your intuition.


Ace of Swords

Capricorn, are you ready to make an impact?

The Ace of Swords spotlights this week as a powerful one for fresh opportunities, especially with new ideas, fresh conversations, and making new connections.

The door is open for newness in general, basically. You just have to be willing to look and see what the Universe has to offer.

Read this next: You Pulled the Ace of Swords — Now What?


10 of Cups (Reversed)

Aquarius, there’s one keyword to hold onto this week: reflection.

The 10 of Cups is usually a pinnacle of joy, happiness, and intuitive contentment—however, the reversal points to something “off” about this vision.

You may need to re-evaluate how your current path aligns with your long-term journey to true happiness.

What sacrifices are you making that may actually just be compromises of your own true joy?


Ace of Cups (Reversed)

Pisces, love may not be in the air right now… but it can be found within you.

This week is sparse in the love and relationships department, not offering many opportunities for romantic connection.

The Ace of Cups reversed can put a damper on those things, but it can also open up some proper alone time that allows you to reconnect with your heart in a different way.

Self-love is in the air, at least!

Your Mercury Retrograde Essentials

Mercury retrograde can be an infamous time of upheaval and confusion for many of us.

Although your weekly Tarot card can illuminate essential truths for the upcoming week, it’s not the only tool at your disposal. Mercury retrograde may be a tough time, but it doesn’t have to be impossible to navigate!

Here are some of our favorite ways to power through:

  • Using crystals for Mercury retrograde
  • Check out 5 Things That Are Actually EASIER During Mercury Retrograde
Weekly Tarotscope: August 12 - 18, 2024 | Astrology Answers (2025)
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